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Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy Services

I specialize in women's health and offer a range of services to compliment homeopathy consults.

I love to attend and support natural birth journeys and spend the majority of my time educating about natural birth and supporting women making alternative choices in motherhood. Consults are done in person or via zoom.

Chinese Medicine

Vis medicatrix naturae

(literally "the healing power of nature", and also known as natura medica).

I take care in choosing only the highest quality materials, sourced ethically, sustainably and organic wherever possible.

I prescribe homeopathic medicines, dispensed by Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy.

Certified organic bulk herbs, sourced by Organic Connections & Sunrise Botanicals


Birth Journey Offerings

I have a variety of homeopathic offerings to enhance, aid and guide your birthing path. From pregnancy, to labour to postpartum and breastfeeding. I am honoured to be able to hold space and support your authentic birth journey.

All remedies chosen and prescribed are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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